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Certificate of originality

Certificate of Originality

This information is only relevant for IBM teams building with Carbon.

Carbon v10.x

  • COO record ID: 95607540
  • COO reference number: COO20190204
  • Name of IBM material (with version number): IBM Design System [Version 10, Release n/a, Modification n/a]
  • Last release date: March 31, 2019
  • Name of Product/Program manager or author of material: Matt Rosno/US/IBM

Carbon v9.x

  • COO number of IBM material (if any): AUS720180239
  • Name of IBM material (with version number): IBM Design System [Version 9, Release n/a, Modification n/a]
  • Last release date: June 4, 2018
  • Name of Product/Program manager or author of material: Matt Rosno/US/IBM